Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dependent on Him

"And together we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
"know thou, . . . that all these things shall give thee experince, and shall be for thy good." (Doctrine and Covenants 122:7)
Due to a surgery, I have been sitting around for the last few weeks lame, unable to do much of anything for myself or my family.  I have felt worthless.  If I can't take of my family what worth do I have.  I know I am of worth it is just hard knowing I can't perform my duties as mother and wife.  
I have had to deal with the inital pain of the surgery and then the pain of recovery.  The sadness of not being able to carry my baby to bed or to play outside with my kids.  I don't even want to think of the pain that will undoubtly come from the impending physical therapy. 
My ankle was badly damaged after years of injuries.  I was in pain most of the time, despite trying to baby it and avoid activities that might cause pain.  Unfortunately after a trying therapy it was determined that my ankle was shot and needed to be "rebuilt".  The two outside ligaments were cut, tightened, and stitched together as well as the tendon going across the front of the ankle. 
As I mentioned I have been in pain, still experience pain despite being 3 weeks out from surgery, and know that there will be more pain as therapy resumes.  In order for my ankle to be whole again I had to experience this pain.  This pain has been "for my good".
I said above that I have been unable to much for myself or my family due to my surgery and the fact that I can't put weight on my ankle.  So I have had to allow others to take care of me.  I say allow because sure I could try to do things on my own, but it could result in injury to myself or another (my baby if I tried to carry her to bed).  There have been a few times that I have tried to do a few things for myself and have had some close calls. 
So I sit.  And watch.  I watch hubby, my mom, my mother-in-law, my kids, and kind ward members do everything for me.
I have had some very strong impressions come to me in the last couple of days involving this trial of physical pain in my ankle and how it correlates to the emotional and spiritual pains that I am faced with as a result of hubby's addiction as well as my own addition to co-dependency.
Like the pain from my surgery, the pains that I feel as a result of the disclosures, lack of initmacy, loss of trust, that have come as a result of hubby's addiction are necessary.  They are for my good.  It may be hard to see the good, but I am coming to understand and KNOW that they are, in fact, for my good. 
Although it may be necessary for me to suffer these pains, it doesn't mean that I need to or CAN suffer them alone.  Just like I have had to be dependent on everyone around me for the last few weeks to help me do the things I can't physically do for myself.  I, too, am dependent on my Savior and His grace to help me endure the emotional, spiritual, and physical pains that I feel. 
hate to ask for help.  I feel as though I can and should do most everything for myself.  Yah, you could say that I am a martyr at times--I am working on that.  I hate to admit that there haven't been many times when I can say that I have truly turned to my Savior for His help. 
The story of Peter walking on the water to the Savior came to my mind the other day.  When Peter became frightened and started sinking, He called out to Christ to help him.  I realized that instead of reaching out to my Savior as I began to sink into the rough waters of life I have been treading water, trying to keep my head above water on my own
There have been a few times when I felt as though my head was sinking below the surface that I reached out to my Savior to pull me back up to safety.  I would thank Him for His help and resume my own treading.
As I think about how I have been forced to depend on others because of my current physical limitations, I have also come to realize that I have to stop treading.  To reach my hand out to my Savior, just as Peter did. 
I have come to see how truly dependent on Him I am.  For EVERYTHING.  Not just healing from the impact of hubby's addiction in my life, but from my own shortcomings and weaknesses.  From my own sins.  I can NOT be changed without HIM and His grace. 
So I reach out and trust in His perfect plan for me.  I trust that He can heal my pains and that "this experience is for my good".


  1. Even the Savior of the World needed help through the atoning process. Angels comforted him, his friends were with him in the garden, and a man was compelled to bear his cross. If our lord and savior relied on help, how much more do we need help? He loves you and will not immediate take all pain and sorrow, but will support us through it, and allow us grace to know better how to deal with what we can, and rely on him for the rest. You have great posts, thanks for your comments.
    Thanks for posting

  2. Great post, HopefulWife! Yup, we all need our Saviour! I had never focused on the fact that the Saviour also accepted help, but you're right! Each of us needs His cleansing grace, and each of us needs His healing grace, plus all of His other graces. Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery!

  3. "There have been a few times when I felt as though my head was sinking below the surface that I reached out to my Savior to pull me back up to safety. I would thank Him for His help and resume my own treading." I like this thought. I do it too! It reminds me of a talk from recent conference about the apostles turning back to their nets once Christ died. I think so many (if not all) of our experiences in life are meant to teach us that we NEED God and Christ. And yet time after time, I find myself trying (and eventually failing) on my own. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you, I really like how you put it.. I can relate to this so very much. I do not like to ask for help, and when I do I am eager to get back on my horse and continue on again.. but yes, I have been treading water like crazy! I have had help come and go when I have desperately called out as I feel I am sinking from the exhaustion of treading -keeping my head out of the water, trying to breathe, but for some reason after I receive help and a good breather I go back to trying to stay afloat by myself again. Thinking, Okay - I can do this, I can make it! But, I am starting to understand that I can't. Very hard process for me.
